You may have noticed a bit of silence from me this weekend. Fear not, I haven't forgotten my blog once more. I have just been taking advantage of this beautiful fall weather! I don't know about you, but my favourite part of the fall season is when the season is just turning. It's still gorgeous out, but not too hot, and you can just smell fall in the air. I love this time of year!
This weekend, I travelled to the the Annapolis Valley and Halifax, both in Nova Scotia, Canada, to visit two friends from university, and one friend from home who is away at university. While I was in the Valley, I went to a really cute farm, which included an epic corn maze. So I decided to take a few pictures to share with you!

Some pretty plants outside of the corn maze.

Our map of the maze. I was in shock at how elaborate it was!

I loved the view of the corn against the bright blue sky that day.

A gross but neat-looking piece of corn.

A view of the maze from a tall bridge we crossed.

As you can see, I had a lovely time on this beautiful, sunny autumn weekend with friends. What is your favourite time of year? What do you like to do in the fall season? Let me know in the comments!
Also, don't forget to follow this blog on Blogger itself, as well as Bloglovin'!
Until next time!
Liv xoxo