Hey all,
I'm just recovering from the flu, so let's get back in action!
Today I wanted to talk about another holiday favourite of mine. Today, it's the Christmas tradition! If you've ever been in to Hallmark at Christmas time, you have probably noticed their wide array of themed tree ornaments. From Star Trek, to Barbie, to Harry Potter, they've got it all. Every year since I was born, each member of my family receives a Hallmark ornament of something special to them, and we put our entire collections on the tree. I've had 21 Christmases, so I have 21 ornaments. My parents each have about the same, and my brother has 16 ornaments as well. You can just imagine the jumble our tree must look like. But somehow, my mom manages to class it up!

If you look closely, you can find my mom's Starbucks cup, my *NSYNC disc that sings "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" when pressed, or my parents' felt "lovebirds" at the top. What a mix!
What's your favourite holiday tradition? Share with us in the comments of this post!
Until next time,
Liv :)
PS. 33 until the big day!
Hey everyone,
the time has arrived!
Halloween and Remembrance Day have come and gone, and now it is time to get into some serious Christmas cheer. In the spirit of the season, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite things from the holiday season. Today I wanted to reminisce with you all about my favourite classic Christmas movie: Santa Claus is Comin' to Town.

I'm not sure about other areas of the globe, but if you grew up in North America then I sincerely hope you have seen this movie by now. In this heartwarming tale, a little orphan boy named Kris Kringle, is adopted into a family of elves.

Kris Kringle grows up into a man with a mission: to bring Christmas to Sombertown and end the reign of the evil Burgermeister Meisterburger. To do so, he takes on many challenges, including an encounter with the terrifying Winter Warlock.

Add in a few song and dance numbers, some reindeer, and a charming little narrator, and you have yourself the makings of a classic Christmas movie. For me, nothing says 'Christmas' like cuddling up on the sofa with your favourite blanket, drinking a hot beverage, and watching a movie from your childhood. This movie is not only something I remember from my childhood, but one that my parents and grandparents have watched as well. It really is one of those great traditions!
What is your favourite Christmas classic? Rudolph? Frosty the Snowman? I'd love to know!
Until next time,
Liv xx
PS. Official countdown says 41 days until Christmas!
Hey everyone,
welcome back to my little slice of the web. It's November 7th, which means that Christmas is 47 days away.

In my town, it's starting to get flipping cold, and the smell of snow is in the air. That means it's just about time to start unpacking the Christmas decorations and giving the neighbourhood a bit of cheer. Not only that, but I'll be bringing that Christmas cheer over to my blog as well. Over the next 47 days, expect to see Christmas-inspired posts, DIY projects and recipes on this space. Out of respect for our Canadian war veterans, I'll be waiting until after Remembrance Day (November 11th) to start these features. So stay tuned!
Until next time,
Liv xx
Hey all,
welcome welcome!
Last night I was at a going-away party for one of my best friends. She is moving "out west" as we Maritimers call it, and everyone came together to say "goodbye".
Growing up is something that we all face, and most of the time we can't wait for it to come. But it's not until it's already happened that we realize how things have changed. As our group of friends got together for a photo, it really made me think about how different things are compared to only 6 years ago.

Canada Day, 2007. See if you can spot any of us in the picture below!

Looking at these pictures side-by-side is a really surreal experience. You really don't think you've changed that much until you see it right before your eyes. Growing up is hard to do, but as it happens you get so many chances to do exciting things, and the world is your oyster!
What do you love most about being grown up, or what do you look forward to doing when you get older? Let me know :)
Until next time,
Liv <3