Hey all,
hope you're having a fabulous week.
Yesterday after work my friend asked for a drive to a city an hour away to the passport office. Instead of simply dropping off the paperwork and going back home, we decided to make a day of it. We thought it would be fun to do something we can't do at home, so we went to paint some pottery!

We both have a lot going on right now, so sitting down for three hours and focusing on painting was exactly the mental break needed to de-stress. She painted measuring cups and spoons, and I painted a chevron mug and measuring cups.

I will admit that I do not have very many skills in the slightest. I am a terrible cooker/baker, as you may have noticed from the lack of promised macaron recipe... They weren't exactly a roaring success. I am not a fabulous writer, and I'm not too artsy fartsy. But this skill level was perfect, and we managed to create some cute pieces! Once they are glazed and fired in a kiln, we will go to pick them up. It's amazing how the colors actually appear once fired! I will be sure to post some pictures on that day.
What do you do to de-stress? Are you artsy? A baker? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time,
Liv xx