Let's get right into it, shall we? In my last post I left off with meeting James Bourne in the Dublin airport (legitimately can not believe I just typed those words all in one sentence... WHAAAAT?!)
When we arrived in London, we made our way to the Generator Hostel near Russell Square. We were a bit nervous for this at first, as we booked a four-person room and we weren't sure what type of roommates we would have. We lucked out big time! We were sharing a room with a married couple from the States. They were super nice and didn't mind when we came in a bit late some nights! They did sleep a bunch during the day, but I think they were feeling a bit under the weather. Anyway, the Generator was so cool! It was definitely not what you would expect of a hostel. In most aspects anyway. Like there was still a breakfast line to eat in a cafeteria in the mornings, and the rooms weren't all that fancy, but it really was a neat place. We probably could have gotten a hotel a bit farther from Central London for cheaper, but for the location you really couldn't beat the price. Here's a pic of the cool piano in the lobby of the hostel!
The first place we headed upon arrival in London was Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum... Enough said.

This was one of the main attractions I wanted to see, as noted on my face that never stopped smiling the whole time... The next night we saw Wicked, which was... wicked. I didn't take any pictures as you're not allowed... but trust me! Then it was time to move on from the Generator to a hotel closer to Wembley Stadium, and you know what that means... MY BOYS!
We headed on over to Wembley for a night of dancing all night to the best song ever, including the Macarena between 5 Seconds of Summer and 1D. So much fun. Here are a few pics from the night, and please comment below if you would like to see any videos because I certainly have those aplenty as well!
Sadly, the next day we headed home :( I didn't take any pictures of that because who needs to be reminded of such a sad time?! Not I.
So there you have it! A few things are missing that we had done as I was so excited I forgot to take pictures sometimes... But I'll always have the memories!
So. Now you know all about the marvellous adventures of Kim and Liv across the pond. Hopefully you have been enlightened beyond your wildest dreams and can't wait to hear about my other adventures. And there are some posts on those in the works...
Until next time!
Liv :)
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