
Monday, 22 September 2014

Run or Dye... But Mostly Die.

Hello there!

As you may recall, I had mentioned a while back (about February time) that I was going to be doing the Run or Dye 5k in June. Well, I did it! And it was HARD. To start, I was fully expecting it to take place on roads, so I thought nothing of wearing my Toms so that my new sneakers wouldn't get dirty. However, it was actually on grass... and it had just rained. But I slid onward. Not only were we on grass, but also a SKI HILL. We walked downhill, uphill, around hill, and even fell on my hiney a time or two. At every kilometre, we were covered in powdered dye, and that was so much fun! We ended up missing one colour as I was too winded to make it up and down one hill, so we just cut through the trail markers and kept going! Anyway, I am very proud to say that I finished the Run or Dye 5K, and here are a few pictures to prove it! (All of these were taken before or after as I didn't want to get my phone dirty!)

See you soon!
Liv xox